Looking ahead to our next class (4/4)

Beginning this week and going through the end of the semester, you are only required to post on your individual blog once. Spend the remainder of your time this week working on your first Pleasantville story. You should plan with your group whose story will publish on Monday (4/4), whose will publish on Tuesday, etc. We will go over how and where you will publish your stories next week in class (so bring your text/photos/anything else with you).

We will also have a guest speaker next week, toward the end of class. Bill Colona is Pace University’s Director of Government and Community Relations. That means he is Pace’s primary contact with local governments and other people in the community. He’s also worked in politics and is generally knowledgeable about local goings-on, so he should be a great resource for us. Come prepared with questions for him!

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